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Raven Ahead of Time Photograph by Carol Leigh

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Comments (5)

VIVA Anderson

VIVA Anderson

So wonderful your ART, and this!!! and your Crow....fv....VIVA

Carol Leigh replied:

So wonderful your enthusiasm, VIVA!

Michel Verhoef

Michel Verhoef

Beautiful creation with a powerful symbol !!

Carol Leigh replied:

Michel, powerful symbol indeed! Thank you for commenting.

LemonArt Photography

LemonArt Photography

Wonderful work - I really like this, it will make a fabulous print LF

Carol Leigh replied:

Thank you, Lemon-Art Photography. I appreciate the feedback.

Sarah Loft

Sarah Loft


Carol Leigh replied:

Thank you, madam!

Lisa S Baker

Lisa S Baker

Outstanding image, Carol!! f/l

Carol Leigh replied:

Lisa, thanks for the positive feedback.

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Raven Ahead of Time by Carol Leigh
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