Wall Texture Number 11
by Carol Leigh
Wall Texture Number 11
Carol Leigh
Photograph - Photography - Photo Art
Art can be found in the most basic of places, art that, if you didn't know better, you'd say were abstract paintings. I found this "wall art" on cement walls in the Pacific Northwest. And thank you to the recent buyer in Toronto who purchased this picture.
April 2nd, 2012
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Comments (11)
Attila Meszlenyi
Very nice work, congratulations!
Carol Leigh replied:
Thank you, sir! As I mentioned to Julia (below), some of the things I create I fear will be just too darned weird to be appealing to others. Luckily there are a number of kindred spirits out there. Thanks again for your message.
Julia Hiebaum
Wonderful abstract work, Congratulations on your sale!
Carol Leigh replied:
Thanks, Julia. I'm happy that this photo has sold a number of times. I wasn't sure that others would like it as much as I did. Thank you for your comment.